
School Nutrition Champions (student focus groups) drive and shape our menus by rating their food in taste testing while providing on the spot suggestions throughout the year. We relentlessly test the newest and hottest menu sensations to meet the nutritional needs and wants of our primary customers, our students. Students are asked to rate their meals via our MealViewer smartphone app; in return, our department is able to promptly adjust menus according to student preferences. The expansion of our newly revamped a la carte menu is something for everyone to get excited about! We have an extensive a la carte menu that offers a host of popular smart-snack approved food items and beverages such as sweet tea, fruit slushies and smoothies.

2016-2017 Meal Stats
Breakfast 2,492,609
Lunch 4,297,689
Afterschool Snacks 188,204
Supper 15,097

Program Stats
School level staff 400
Total Schools 54
Satellite Programs-2



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Nutritional & Ingredients

Richmond County Nutrition Services requires vendors to provide nutritionals and ingredient lists of all products for evaluation before deciding on product purchase. During bid season, the menu coordinator examines and evaluates product quality, student preference, price, ingredients and nu-tritionals before product selection occurs.